Saturday, October 10, 2009

House Closed

Friday afternoon we closed on our house. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. The lady that did our closing Friday was the same lady that did it when we bought the house. We were sitting in the same room as we did 5Years ago. But when we were there then Madelyn was just a baby. When it was time to hand over the keys, I started crying. I hope that they enjoy the house as much as we did and have just as many good memories as we did. That house is the only house that our kids have ever lived in. So as we say good bye to that house we say hello to our new adventure in life. And we owe a big THANK YOU to GOD for this awesome experience he has blessed us with. And a huge THANK YOU for making everything fall in to place with the house work out.


  1. So true...God is blessing you in this situation. Have peace knowing that He will continue to bless you and take care of you on this great adventure!I can imagine how hard it was to let go of your house, but there are many more memories to be made elsewhere now.I love you!

  2. Natasha just remember we all love you guys and will pray for you on your new adventure. It will be an awesome experience for your family. Make the most of it. Love you lots. Aunt Susan
